We believe peri-menopause needs to be renamed “The Second Puberty”. Peri-menopause is a massive deal for women.
Not because of the mood swings, weight gain, hot flushes or night sweats (though these aren’t fun).
Not because of oestrogen or progesterone.
But because of the impact peri-menopause has on the brain and the metabolic system.
Many women going through peri-menopause hear about the obvious symptoms, but don’t know enough about the symptoms that are warning lights letting you know that something isn’t quite right in the body.
There are 40 symptoms associated with peri-menopause. We believe women need to know that symptoms are NOT normal. They are early detectors that we hope all women listen to.
If you are experiencing:
- Muscle Aches
- Joint Pain
- Brain Fog
- Forgetfulness
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Vestibular Migraines
- Gut Pain
- Heart Burn
- Acid Reflux
- Digestive Issues
- Diarrhoea
- Constipation
- Rosacea
- Skin Tags
- Dark Skin in groin, neck, or under arms
- Excessive Hair Growth on face, arms, pubic area
- Enlarged Breasts
- Breast Tenderness before period
- Trouble Sleeping
- Moodiness
- Increased Irritability
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Sugar or Salt Cravings
- Blood Sugar Dysregulation
- Increased Cholesterol
- Changes in Blood Pressure
- Heart Palpitations
- UTIs
- Vaginal Infections
- Weight Gain
- Lack of Motivation
- Trouble Losing Weight, despite good diet & exercise
Then there’s a good chance that your body is sending you a signal that something isn’t quite right.
Peri-Menopause is an incredible time for women to restore vitality to the nervous system, the brain, and the microbiome.
Because of the changes in reproductive hormone away from the menstrual cycles, it helps women see low lying health issues where nutrient levels, or other hormones are not operating at 100%.
Weight gain, for instance is a result of a response from insulin resistance and/or the thyroid hormones triggering a response that the metabolic system isn’t getting what it needs. Without peri-menopause, many women wouldn’t realise they had a sluggish thyroid.
Hormones are the chemical communicators and are effected by the nutrient, toxin, metal, or mineral load in the body. So it’s natural to get a response when something isn’t right!
We use the responses from the body to look deeper at nutrient levels and to provide adequate support to hormone function so that you address the root cause of why the body is responding this way, rather that create a band-aid to fix the problem.
We talk about peri-menopause, menopause, and post-menopause heaps at the clinic – because it’s the great revelation! It’s an incredible time that the body resets.
Historically menopausal women have been the most productive member in the household. History writes of the women that would provide more meals and support for the family than at any other time. It’s why you see cultures like the Chinese, Italians, and Germans with three generations living within a household – so much has been built on the strength and support of the grandmother!
Menopause is the great liberator for women and the great identifier.
We cover many topics when it comes to peri/post menopause! We host monthly seminars. We’ve written three books just on this topic, and we are extraordinarily passionate about this season, because of the feedback from our patients – even 3 to 5 years after treatment.
If you would like immediate help to see what we can do for you, we ask you to organise a Free Introductory Consultation with us, so we can do a proper symptoms assessment to ascertain what is going on with you, create your treatment journey and set realistic expectations and milestones to kicking your menstrual cycles into remission! You can organise that by clicking here.
To download our book on “How Hormones Age in Women”, you can click here. As a gift, we’ll send our other books, “Thyropause”, and “The Invisible Hormones”.